Summer Institute 2024 Chair Reflects

Dori Roth, the 2024 Summer Institute Chair, shares a reflection with us.

The first week of June is one of my favorites…. because of RMASFAA Summer Institute!  As I look back on the week, some highlights come to mind.  I love getting to meet new people who attend, collaborating with colleagues, and catching up with friends!  Every year amazes me, as I learn more about how other schools navigate this thing we call “Financial Aid”.  I am so impressed with our dedicated faculty and committee that make this week the great event it is.  So much time goes into preparation and carrying out plans to make the week a great learning experience and fun-filled time for all involved.  I love talking to so many about the week, and what they take back to their institutions to be able to grow in their job and profession.  It truly takes everyone to make Summer Institute a success…. and we did it again!  A huge thank you to the committee, faculty, and WSU for making SI 2024 incredible!

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